You must document all of your petty cash expenses if you want to write them off on your taxes, just like you would any other income or expense. Let’s say that at the end of the month, you have $49.15 remaining in your cash box, and you want to top your petty cash fund by $150.85 to get it back up to $200. Which can aid employers in reimbursing employees and clients for small expenses. Some examples may include snacks, transport fares, office supplies, etc. Access more informative articles from the QuickBooks’ Blog that help grow and improve small businesses. QuickBooks also provides a wide array of outstanding software that further enhances your business’ financial wellbeing.
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As you start out, keep track of how much is in the petty cash box or drawer at the beginning of each day. As you make each payment, you will need petty cash slips or a transaction list. For each transaction, record the date, the amount, and what it was for. As CEO and Co-Founder, Mike leads FloQast’s corporate vision, strategy and execution. Prior to founding FloQast, he managed the accounting team at Cornerstone OnDemand, a SaaS company in Los Angeles.
Reconciliation Process
Review and reconciliation of the petty cash funds should be done periodically. This will help you ensure that the amount of money going into the fund matches what has been spent. Any discrepancies should be investigated and reviewed before moving forward.
- If the petty cash fund is over, a credit is entered to represent a gain.
- There’s no need to make journal entries when expenses are reimbursed from cash in the lockbox.
- A petty cash book is maintained to record small expenses such as postage, stationery, and telegrams.
- If small businesses don’t understand how to handle it properly, problems will eventually arise, such as theft.
- Making sure that your team frequently reconciles the petty cash is also important.
Examples of Petty Cash Payments
For example, if there are un-reimbursed expenditures from petty cash at the end of the year, expenses are understated and cash overstated. Because a petty cash voucher is made out for all disbursements, the total of the vouchers and the remaining cash should always equal the amount of the fund (in this case, $100). A petty cash fund is a small fund whose purpose is to make small disbursements of cash.
The custodian is tasked to overlook and safeguard the account by issuing cash, approving reimbursements, and recording the debits and credits to the account. If you’re a small business owner, it’s important to understand how petty cash can be used so you can account for it correctly in your books. Eric is an accounting and bookkeeping expert for Fit Small Business.
Creating a Petty Cash Fund
But it can be helpful to keep paper slips too, along with receipts from the purchases or payments (if possible). Though not literally cash, it’s money that can be easily and quickly accessed, which is why it’s “on hand.” If there’s a shortage or overage, a journal line entry is recorded to an over/short account. If the petty cash fund is over, a credit is entered to represent a gain. If the petty cash fund is short, a debit is entered to represent a loss.
Reassess the petty cash fund periodically
Making a single person responsible for petty cash cuts down on confusion and minimizes the risk of theft. Sign up to receive more well-researched small business articles and topics in your inbox, personalized for you. While it shouldn’t be a habitual practice, petty cash in a pinch can be used to make change for customers, if the till’s running short.
Even though most instances of petty cash use a rather insignificant amount of money, there is a need to monitor it closely because it can add up to a significant amount over time. There are a number of ways that businesses can benefit (and suffer) from having petty cash at their disposal. Anyone who has ever run a small business knows that petty cash always plays an important role. There’s no doubt that most small business owners regularly have to deal with it. The job of a custodian is to approve expenditures, maintain records, and request reimbursements for the fund when the remaining cash is low.